We made new posters! We went fluorescent-ink-happy and also made a few different color paper runs. They all turned out pretty awesome, but I think our favorite is the mixed "sherbet-colored" one. Thanks to the Levi's Workshop and their awesome staff for hookin us up and teaching us how to screenprint (here's lookin at you, Ed)! Our poster was also in the Levi's closing party in SF and is now in the Levi's Workshop archives! The SF pop-up shop may be gone and off to NY now, but we hope to continue screenprinting here in the Bay Area. Do I foresee screenprinting parties in the future??? Oh, here are a few images from the workshop. Enjoy!
I'm super bummed I've been putting off going to this for so long and probably won't be able to make it...times like these make me wish there was bullet train in SF for us to hop on and be in Torrence in less than an hour (hint hint governor).
If anyone goes, please make sure to drop us a line and send some images our way! Thanks!