Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sebastopol Baby

Finally! A North Bay SLAG Skate Date with some North Bay steeze. Jessica charging the tranny.
Julia getting crazy. Why are Canadians so rad?

Elraya zips through the pocket. Mad flow.

Yeah E Lilly! Nice to skate with you again sucka!
Oooops, sorry.
Officer poop face writes $75 tickets for these two for no helmets! What a bummer. The cop said they were the first people he saw so he wrote them up... I think Julia was the one to reply, "yeah, two hot chicks, of course they were the first people you saw!" He didn't write up any of the guys... Then Erica L asks him "what happens if we don't pay it?" and he says, "A warrent will go out for your arrest." "Oh, I'll give you my real address then." Then he says "I should arrest you right now." "But you won't because you're really really nice?" He just re-wrote the ticket.
He was determined....
Skating was fun so whatever.

Friday, November 20, 2009

SLAG Skate Date in Sebastopol Nov. 21st

SLAG in NYC Halloween

"Where the Ladies At?" Halloween skate jam was a convergence if SLAG, GRO, Skirtboarders and more. We represented SF, Portland, Seattle, NYC, Montreal, Sweden, and beyond. Hope you can come next time around!
The Brooklyn Banks

SLAG in NYC Halloween skate jam

PinataLocal rippers
Tic tac races and other games

Larena Lima switch frontside flip (?)
Skate in your costume!

SLAG IN NYC "Where the Ladies At?"

Time square
Happy Halloween
Super cheap breakfast
Backyard mini-ramp sesh: Fred from Skirtboarders ripping it up

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 8th EPICness (VVC premier/skate picnic)

Don't miss out on the Dear & Yonder movie premier at Potrero Del Sol skatepark. This is an all female surf movie created by Villa Villa Cola, and featuring female skateboarders as well. Bring your skateboard and skate the park with some of the featured skaters along with the SLAG crew. The premier will showcase local bands including a set from the Bay Area Girls Rock Camp, Black Blow, and Thee Oh Sees. Bring a picnic and enjoy the good times. The movie will be shown on a large outdoor screen at around 8:30.


Friday, June 19, 2009

HOT mag- an online version?

I do have the sofeware but I have never used it. I have an appointment at Apple tomorrow for them to install it on my computer but I don't think they explain how to use it. I can give you the disk to intall if you want. Also I went to 510 skate show today to show them the mag, ask if they want to advertise, and leave a donation box, but the own, who was really suportive of us, thought the mag as a hard copy was a really bad idea because everything has gone didgital. Even Slap mag is now only online. He said it would be easier, cheaper, and reach more people if we put out and online mag, and then more people would be willing to buy ads online. He gave me some sites to check out. 

Let me know what we should do, I want to help with it.

P.S.  the owners wife also skates and they have a two year old daughter so I invited them to the Moms skate thing and they put out flyers in there store. I'll post the links he gave me when I find the paper.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Good News I do have a Adobe InDesign CS3 layout program


So I just checked my softwear  package and I do have a good layout program. It's Adobe InDesign CS3. I'm gonna make an appointment at Apple to have it installed on my computer but if someone else wants to borrow the softwear for the Zine thats cool too. Let me know.


Saturday, June 13, 2009



Wow, we got a picture of Staycee. Sweet huh?

Just part of the routine.

If only you could see what trick I'm doing.

Nice shades.

Where are all the North Bay skater ladies? We learned that Marin county isn't the hot spot for female skaters... and it wasn't the usual turnout for a SLAG skate date, but lots of good things went down. Beth and the blunt, Erica's disaster practice, and some 50-50 action from Stace, just to name a few.

Video includes some daring doubles footage with Beth and her fellow Canadian skater.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


-The designs are finished for the Caltrans-Deboce skatepark, thanks to SFSA, yeah!
-Beth moved here from Canada and has been skating it up. We're stoked. Go Beth!
-SLAG has been skating with after school programs.
-GSG was epic, check out the videos on
-Angie got into Aviation School, congrats! We are going to miss her!
-Lots of girls skating SF after GSG!
-Unfortunately, SLAG Pdx's Kristina N. tore her ACL at 3rd and Army kickfliping the gap. Gnarly.
-Tara is learning to drop in!
-Evelien B. flew up and attempted Wallenberg with 3 other ladies! Check it out on our blog.


Raise Hell at the Ranch, 18907 Lone Tree Rd, Escalon Ca. What's going to be there? A Bowl competition, stair and rail best trick, and a girls jam. Sign up at 10am. Competition starts at noon. Includes BBQ, raffle, and after party. H.O.T. zines for sale for $3!

The H.O.T. new Zine: (Hate On This)
H.O.T. is hot off the press, literally. There will be copies sold for $3 at the Raise Hell/ Ladies Jam on June 6th at the Ranch. A date will be announced for the release party in SF shortly. If you want to secure a copy you can send an email and I will give you the address where you can send $5 to get one in the mail.
Have yet to hear about H.O.T.? Visit

June 10th: SLAG SF Meeting
4pm in San Francisco. Share your ideas and learn more about whats going on with SLAG. Send an email for the exact location if you can attend.

June 26: CLINIC & SKATEBOARDING MOMS @ Lake Cunningham
Clinic at Lake Cunningham skate park.
We will be teaming up with the skateboarding mom's Skate-o-Rama, skating, and throwing a clinic. Event is free to all ladies. Participants must sign a waiver and minors must have a parent or guardian present to sign for them. Bring your own pads and helmet if you have them, the park has limited rentals.

Come skate with other gals in the Bay Area at Mcinnis Skatepark starting @ 1pm. Smith Ranch Rd, San Rafael, Ca.

June 27-28: SLAG in PRIDE
We still need some volunteers for the 27th, let us know if you can help run the donation buckets. Skate in the parade with us on the 28th, bring a costume if you like!

SLAG WEST COAST SUMMER TOUR!!! From Seattle to San Francisco. Come caravan with the SLAGgers!!! We'll have a vanload full of female skaters!!! ANNNNND ladies' events and competitions scheduled in cities and towns along the way. We will be hitting spots off of the main route such as Lincoln City and the Ranch. Nothing like rolling up to a skate park with a dozens of lady rippers to skate with! Schedule will be sent out soon. Following the west coast tour, will be another from Seattle to Winnipeg! Contact us for more details.

This will be the final event of the west coast summer tour. Come skate the log shop ramp in Pacifica (free of charge) BBQ, enjoy live music/ DJ. Bring your friends, skate and celebrate!

Dear & Yonder movie premier and skate demo will be free @ Potrero del Sol. Villa Villa Cola is coming out with a new movie, which is an all women's surf movie. The movie includes female skaters. Come skate and watch this epic and inspiring film. Some of the stars will be skating at the park.

Check out our SF Blog: (Duh, you're on it right now).
Let us know if you'd like to be a contributing writer.

Join us on Twitter
Want to skate with the crew more often? Stay posted.

Add us on myspace and facebook as well

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Eveliene; charger!!!

Watch at your own risk of getting motion sickness... this I filmed about 20feet up in a tree, with my arm extended out to the side, and it was windy. Plus the footage is from a crappy digital camera, partially zoomed in... and after uploading the quality is even worse. If you are able to see what is going on (which you probably can't), the girls chucking their bodies down the four block are Marisa Del Santosin the blue, Evelien Bouilliart in the pink pants, and girl whose name I'm pretty sure is Racine Hopkins in the red. All of them charging, getting back up despite the swellbows and heal bruises, and going again and again for the $1000 prize. So close.