Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sebastopol Baby

Finally! A North Bay SLAG Skate Date with some North Bay steeze. Jessica charging the tranny.
Julia getting crazy. Why are Canadians so rad?

Elraya zips through the pocket. Mad flow.

Yeah E Lilly! Nice to skate with you again sucka!
Oooops, sorry.
Officer poop face writes $75 tickets for these two for no helmets! What a bummer. The cop said they were the first people he saw so he wrote them up... I think Julia was the one to reply, "yeah, two hot chicks, of course they were the first people you saw!" He didn't write up any of the guys... Then Erica L asks him "what happens if we don't pay it?" and he says, "A warrent will go out for your arrest." "Oh, I'll give you my real address then." Then he says "I should arrest you right now." "But you won't because you're really really nice?" He just re-wrote the ticket.
He was determined....
Skating was fun so whatever.

Friday, November 20, 2009

SLAG Skate Date in Sebastopol Nov. 21st

SLAG in NYC Halloween

"Where the Ladies At?" Halloween skate jam was a convergence if SLAG, GRO, Skirtboarders and more. We represented SF, Portland, Seattle, NYC, Montreal, Sweden, and beyond. Hope you can come next time around!
The Brooklyn Banks

SLAG in NYC Halloween skate jam

PinataLocal rippers
Tic tac races and other games

Larena Lima switch frontside flip (?)
Skate in your costume!

SLAG IN NYC "Where the Ladies At?"

Time square
Happy Halloween
Super cheap breakfast
Backyard mini-ramp sesh: Fred from Skirtboarders ripping it up